Welcome to Your Jefferson PTA!

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Current Tiger Beat Edition

The Tiger Beat provides the best way to stay current on PTA activities as well as Jefferson Elementary School updates.

PTA and all District 205 messages are communicated through ParentSquare. Signup for an account, and download the mobile app.

Show Your Spirit!

Jefferson Spirit Wear! Shop the Jefferson Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! New product lines include Nike and Adidas! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/31296.

Other News

One Jefferson One Book (Now through Wednesday, March 26th): Let’s Read, Jefferson Tigers! Our 5th annual all-school book club One Jefferson One Book is here! Everyone has the opportunity to partake in various activities that relate to the chapters in the book. Trivia, Extreme Challenges, Dress Up Days, and a Coin War are just some of the exciting activities planned. See the calendar that came with your book for more information.

  • Read along! You can follow along with the rest of our community by reading with your family or listening to your teachers read chapters (find here!).  The goal is to finish the book by March 26th. 

  • Dress up day: hat day Friday, March 14th!

  • If you have any questions, please contact Meredith Hardt (Meredith.a.casey@gmail.com) or Katie Knaus (katiemknaus@gmail.com) or Meg Reckley (mkhanisch@gmail.com).

Science Olympiad (Tuesday, March 18th 6:30-8pm): Groups of 3-5 kids with a parent supervisor will conduct three amazing grade-level experiments. This is a drop-off event unless you are volunteering. For more info and to be added to the waitlist, please fill out the form HERE.

Jefferson Dads Club Poker Night (Saturday, March 22nd 6:30pm-10:30pm):  Poker night will be held at Rate (115 W Adelaide Street). $20 donation to participate. There is space for 30 guys plus 10 standbys. Use this form (https://tinyurl.com/JDCPokerNight) to sign up. You will receive an email the week of Poker Night letting you know if you're playing, standby, or if all spots are filled. Donations will be collected on Poker Night.

PTA Calendar of Events

  • March 18 - Science Olympiad 6:30-8

  • March 21 - Mom's Bunco Night (Sign up here)

  • March 22 - Dad's Club Poker Night (Sign up here)

  • March 31- Spring Break Begins

  • April 7 - School Resumes

  • April 8 - PTA meeting 7pm

  • April 14 - Spring Running club begins

  • April 15 - Dad's Poker Night 6:30pm

  • May 5 - Teacher Appreciation week

  • May 6 - Teacher Retirement Celebration

Stay Informed!

If you want to start the year off right, follow this list:

  1. Join the PTA!

  2. Download the ParentSquare app.

  3. Download the Directory Spot app to gain access to the school directory.

  4. Add us on Social Media

  5. Review the School Supply List if you didn't pre-purchase school supplies at the end of last year.

    • Supply drop off is August 13th from 3:30-4:30pm.

  6. Review Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

  7. Load your students lunch money at PushCoin

  8. Make sure you have access to PowerSchool for attendance and grade tracking.

Volunteer Opportunities

We have several wonderful upcoming events that need volunteers!  Please consider donating your time if you can.

Show me the money!!! We are looking for a new PTA Treasurer starting for next year.   If you are interested in joining the PTA board and want to learn more about the position, contact Jen Schneider (jeffersonelmtreasurer@gmail.com).  

Mom's Bunco:  We are looking for a host for April Mom's bunco! Contact Amanda French if you are interested!

Support the PTA / Jefferson Elementary

PTA Sign-up: It's time to join or re-new your PTA membership! Use this link to go directly to the Jefferson PTA store to choose your level of membership and join. For more info, visit the Membership page.

Spirit Wear: Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and items that are delivered to your home in days! Check it out today

Are you a Jefferson Dad? Click here to add your name to the Jefferson Dads Club. For more info, visit the JDC page. We’ll be using Whats App to communicate for events - add yourself here.

5th Grade Memory Book:  It’s never too early to start preparing for the 5th grade memory book. Below are links to the photo drives for each class. Please bookmark these links for your child’s year(s) so that you may add pictures to the drive. It’s best to load pictures in real time throughout the years in order to avoid having to do it all at once in 5th grade.  Listed next to the links are your memory book leaders. Once your child is in 5th grade, they along with a handful of volunteers will be responsible for creating the memory book. Please feel free to reach out to Melissa Shah (melissakumar@yahoo.com) with any questions.

  • Class of 2037 (K): Melissa Shah (melissakumar@yahoo.com)

  • Class of 2036 (1st Grade): Katie Knaus (katiemknaus@gmail.com)

  • Class of 2035 (2nd Grade): Yvette Kirchhoff (yvette.kirchhoff@gmail.com) & Colleen Pierce (piercefamily787@gmail.com)

  • Class of 2034 (3rd Grade): Melissa Shah (melissakumar@yahoo.com)

  • Class of 2033 (4th Grade): Rachell Buhler (rachellbuhler@hotmail.com)

  • Class of 2032 (5th Grade): Abby Franco (ajoy34@yahoo.com)

Jefferson Elementary Resources

Schedule (Arrival, Dismissal, Lunch Recess, Late Starts): The lunch and recess schedule can be found here.

Lunch Menu: Here is the link to the Food Services website. Click the link in the gray box on the upper left to see the weekly lunch menu.

Parent Volunteers for Lunchroom and Recess Supervision

This year’s SignUpGenius for volunteering can be found HERE. Please note, if you are new to volunteering for lunch and recess, please plan on attending one of our training sessions on Monday, August 26th at 9am or Monday, September 23 at 9am in the Multi-Purpose Room before you sign up to volunteer. Slots are available beginning the Tuesday after Labor Day.

Returning lunchroom volunteers will not need to attend the training this year, however we are asking everyone to sign a Volunteer Agreement. Please reach out to Mrs. Guerino in the front office for this form. New volunteers will receive this after completing the training.